She is in transit from Italy to Buffalo where she will be checked out before the final journey to Orillia.
With the support of the My Main Street program, the Canadian Urban Institute, and the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), DWN was able to purchase an automated tempering machine to grow its chocolate business.
For those unfamiliar with tempering chocolate, it is the final step in moulding chocolate, which is a method of heating and cooling chocolate in order for it to crystallize properly. This stabilization process gives chocolate its smooth and glossy finish, and keeps it from easily melting in your hand. All of our current chocolate production is done using bowls and manually stirring the chocolate and it takes approximately 45 minutes to temper a bowl of chocolate at room temperature. A chocolate tempering machine automates the heating and cooling process, and keeps the chocolate in temper for long periods of time to allow for continuous workflow. One machine can have 10kg of chocolate ready to work with in 7 minutes. This equipment purchase will allow the company to increase efficiency and meet the demand of its recent expansion into the U.S. market and increased attendance at large trade shows.